Sunday, July 8, 2012


Hi everyone! I hope the camp meeting went well today. We are so lucky to have such an amazing camp director. She is putting in so much time and effort to make sure the girls have a fun time not to mention going through surgeries and working full time! I hope we can all thank her and tell her how much we loved girls camp! Here are the permission slips and packing info for anyone that needs it. LINK TO DOCUMENTS DONT FORGET YOUR SACK LUNCH FOR TUESDAY!! Also we are in need of some supplies. If you have them please let me know. baby wipes, sanitizer, kleenex, marshmellow sticks 5- 6 more needed, paper towels, propane, clothespins, mantels, tacks, whisk broom, staple gun, dish towels, 1large pot for boiling water, serving platter, ice cream scoopers, empty 5 gallon bucket, can opener, 4 mixing bowls, fire starting supplies (kindling etc)


  1. I have a large pot with lid (24 quart), large frying pan, fire gloves, (waxed cardboard if you need it for starting fires, makes great kindling). We also have two marshmallow forks. I will stick them in the trailer for you. I'm guessing you'll want to pick it up early to pack your things. Let me know when and we'll have the van and trailer ready to go.
